Male Members over the age of 55 are welcome to be involved with the Buckingham Golf Club Senior Men's Section. We pride ourselves on being one of the most vibrant Seniors' Sections of any Club in the area, and probably the most convivial! We take pride in having one of the most active sections of Buckingham Golf Club.
Add to this the fact that you are eligible to play in matches against a variety of clubs in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Warwickshire then you are some way to understanding why the section is so popular.
We are not a Club within a Club: members are encouraged to participate in all aspects of Club life. There are additional groups that play early on various days during the week, allied to this there are Club competitions most Wednesdays and the Seniors Competitions on selected Fridays during each month. By joining in with the Seniors, you can greatly increase the number of competitions and matches you can play in, you can of course continue to play in all Club competitions and matches too. Inter-Club matches at home are mainly on Fridays, and a few on Tuesdays, away matches can be on any day depending on the away Club.
Please find attached our Fixture List for 2024, there is also one posted on the Seniors Notice Board in the Men's Changing Room where you will find other helpful information.
Fixture List 2025
Sociability is high on our list of priorities. Why not get to know other members by putting your name in the first available slot on our Time-sheets (be aware that they soon fill up!). There is a high level of competitiveness, but friendly banter is the order of the day at the 19th.
Gareth Davies
Seniors Captain 2025